Sweave (bash) shell script II
Sweave (bash) shell script
- LaTeX --> PS via texi2dvi or latex and dvips and then ps2pdf for PS --> PDF,
- LaTeX --> PDF via texi2pdf or pdflatex.
Sweave.sh --noweave -otld file.texto compile file.tex to PDF and open it directly in default PDF previewer. New version will be posted on CRAN. For the impatient I uploaded the script to my webpage.
See also:
Course: Design and Economics of Animal Breeding Strategies
Design and Economics of Animal Breeding Strategies
Two new chicken breeds for welfare friendly market
Honey bee genetics
First some slovenian honey bee sites:
Some notes on genetics in bees from Germany:
- Zucht und Genetik der Honigbiene
- Entwicklung von geeigneten Zuchtwertschätzmodellen für die Honigbiene
- Selektion von varroatoleranten Honigbienen unter Nutzung drohnenbrütiger Arbeitsbienen
- Anwendung molekulargenetischer Methoden in der Zucht auf Varroatoleranz
- Berechnung von Erblichkeiten und genetischen Beziehungen zwischen Eigenschaften der Honigbiene
- 1990 On the relative importance of queens and workers to honey production
- 1990 Heritabilities for several colony traits in the honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica)
- 1991 Genetic correlations among several colony characters in the honey bee (Hymenoptera : apidae) taking queen and worker effects into account
- 1991 Selection for high and low, colony weight gain in the honey bee, Apis mellifera, using selected queens and random males
- 1992 Five years of bi-directional genetic selection for honey bees resistant and susceptible to Varroa jacobsoni
- 1999 Schätzung von Populationsparametern für die Toleranz der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera carnica) gegenüber Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans
- 1999 Selecting honey bees for resistance to Varroa jacobsoni
- 2000 Heritability of the Varroa-specific hygienic behaviour in honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
- 2007 Genetic evaluation in the honey bee considering queen and worker effects - A BLUP-Animal Model approach
- 1985 Efficient selection rules to increase non-linear merit: application in mate selection - they say "The genomic tabular method can also be adapted to non-diploid individuals (e.g. bees are diploid or haploid)", they also give a recursive form to get gametic matrix
- 1993 Analysing gametic variation with an animal model
- 2002 Inverse of gametic relationship matrix
Free classic music
P.S. Works smoothly also with my Ubunut Linux setup
Firefox extensions
- GooglePreview - nice preview of search hits
- Gmail Space - use Gmail as a web disk
- FireFTP - FTP client in FF
- Foxmarks - sync bookmarks between various computers
- PDF download - decide what to do when you click on PDF download
- Download Statusbar - see downloads in the statusbar
- Add bookmark here - put bookmark where you want
- Next please - open next page of search hits
- ForecastFox - weather
- Firebug - web devel
- Web developer - web devel
- ieTab - open in IE tab
- FirefoxView - open in FF
- JSView - view JS and CSS files
- View source chart - should be clear
Heritability estimates are dependent on the model
Bob's comment on Hill et al. Data and Theory Point to Mainly Additive Genetic Variance for Complex Traits
Opening farm subsidies to public scrutiny
My webpage
Course and Workshop on Whole Genome Association and Genomic Selection
International postgraduate course and workshop
Whole Genome Association and Genomic Selection
September 1-8, 2008, in Salzburg, Austria
Use of genotype probabilities in selection on PrP genotype in sheep
PrP genotype probabilities for ungenotyped animals of Jezersko-Solcava sheep breed were calculated. Data consisted of 10,429 animals among which 3,669 had PrP genotype data. There were 2,673 live ungenotyped animals. Five PrP haplotypes were present with the following frequencies: ARR 0.174, AHQ 0.074, ARH 0.083, ARQ 0.632, and VRQ 0.037. All 15 PrP genotypes were found. Iterative allelic peeling with incomplete penetrance model as implemented in GenoProb program was used for calculation of PrP genotype probabilities. There were only some additional PrP genotype and NSP type identifications with high probability. Main reasons for a low number of additional identifications can be attributed to large number of haplotypes with moderate frequencies, incomplete penetrance model, uniform prior, and inherently pedigree and genotype data structure. Incomplete penetrance model caused inflation of small probabilities but has proved to be very useful for field data where conflicting data rise due to pedigree of genotype errors. Novel parameters (maximal NSP type, average NSP type and its variance and accuracy) are proposed that make use of PrP genotype probabilities and can facilitate selection for scrapie resistance. Parameters were derived with emphasis on practical implementation of selection schemes based on NSP types. Maximal NSP type can be used to infer maximal potential scrapie susceptibility of individual ungenotyped animals as well as for whole flocks. Average NSP type makes full use of all PrP genotype probabilities and is the most useful and practical parameter for selection on NSP type and therefore PrP genotype. In addition, accuracy of average NSP type should also be used as selection criteria in order to assess the variability of average NSP type.
Populacijska genetika in selekcija domačih živali
Danes smo si s študenti ogledali en praktičen in zanimiv primer, kako lahko vplivamo na letni genetski napredek. Ja, primer sem povzel po knjigi "Understanding Animal Breeding" od Bourdon-a. Sicer bolj uporabljamo "zeleno" knjigo "Introduction to Quantitative Genetics" od Falconer-ja. Za zaključek pa še povezava do prispevka o tem avtorju in njegovi knjigi.
Alternativa kastriranju prašičev pitancev
Good news for male pigs – castration not necessary
Uspešnost selekcije mlečnega goveda v ZDA itd.
Major Advances in Determining Appropriate Selection Goals
Vpliv seksiranega semena na rejo mlečnega goveda
Exploring the Impact of Sexed Semen on the Structure of the Dairy Industry
PrP allele (haplotype) and genotye frequencies in sheep II
PrP allele (haplotype) and genotye frequencies in sheep
Some hot animal science from Wageningen
Genetic diversity in human
Lessons learned from the dog genome
Wayne and Ostrander wrote a paper "Lessons learned from the dog genome". Here is their abstract: "Extensive genetic resources and a high-quality genome sequence position the dog as an important model species for understanding genome evolution, population genetics and genes underlying complex phenotypic traits. Newly developed genomic resources have expanded our understanding of canine evolutionary history and dog origins. Domestication involved genetic contributions from multiple populations of gray wolves probably through backcrossing. More recently, the advent of controlled breeding practices has segregated genetic variability into distinct dog breeds that possess specific phenotypic traits. Consequently, genome-wide association and selective sweep scans now allow the discovery of genes underlying breed-specific characteristics. The dog is finally emerging as a novel resource for studying the genetic basis of complex traits, including behavior".
LaTeX and Windows
I think that blog spot is very relevant!