
Oracle instantclient + ODBC on Debian GNU/Linux

I have finally managed to properly install Oracle's instantclient and ODBC drivers on my Debian GNU/Linux box. Here is my mini HOWTO. Lines that start with # are comments.

# Change to root (as usual)

su -

# Go to link bellow and register


# Download

Instant Client Package - Basic: All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and
JDBC-OCI applications


Instant Client Package - SDK: Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client


Instant Client Package - JDBC Supplement: Additional support for XA,
Internationalization, and RowSet operations under JDBC


Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus: Additional libraries and executable for
running SQL*Plus with Instant Client


Instant Client Package - ODBC: Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications


# Convert rpm to deb

alien oracle-instantclient-*

# Install

dpkg -i oracle-instantclient-*deb

# Remove deb and rpm files

rm -f oracle-instantclient-*rpm oracle-instantclient-*deb

# Installed files are

dpkg -L oracle-instantclient-basic

dpkg -L oracle-instantclient-devel

dpkg -L oracle-instantclient-jdbc

dpkg -L oracle-instantclient-sqlplus

# Configuration

# Create a general link so that env. variables bellow can be more general
# between different versions

cd /usr/lib/oracle/
ln -s default

# Add the following lines in '/etc/profile' so that all users will benefit

echo 'export SQLPATH=/usr/lib/oracle/default/client/lib' >> /etc/profile
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SQLPATH"' >> /etc/profile

# LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be clobbered by unknown system to me and it is
# probably nicer to add library location via the following way, which will
# work out of the box for all users.

echo '/usr/lib/oracle/default/client/lib' >> /etc/ld.so.conf

# Set TNS_ADMIN, which should point to map with 'TNSNAMES.ORA' file. Hmm,
# where do you get that file? You should ask database administrator. I got
# it from him and put it via commands bellow. Additionally, I also needed
# file 'SQLNET.ORA' in same place!

cd /usr/lib/oracle/
mkdir -p network/admin
mv TNSNAMES.ORA SQLNET.ORA /usr/lib/oracle/network/admin/.
## keep in uppercase !!!!
echo 'export TNS_ADMIN=/usr/lib/oracle/network/admin' >> /etc/profile

# Login to database with

sqlplus username/password@//machineName:port/databaseName

# Additionally, ODBC drivers where not available as RPM package so I need
# to do installation by hand.

# Unpack
unzip instantclient-odbc-linux32-
Archive: instantclient-odbc-linux32-
inflating: instantclient_10_2/ODBCRelnotesJA.htm
inflating: instantclient_10_2/ODBCRelnotesUS.htm
inflating: instantclient_10_2/ODBC_IC_Readme_Linux.html
inflating: instantclient_10_2/libsqora.so.10.1
inflating: instantclient_10_2/odbc_update_ini.sh

# Move files to proper place
mv instantclient_10_2/* /usr/lib/oracle/default/client/lib/.
cd /usr/lib/oracle/default/client/lib/.

# Create link - just to be sure
ln -s libsqora.so.10.1 libsqora.so

# We need system ODBC stuff
aptitude install odbcinst1

# Issue ODBC configuration via available shell script. I had a problem to
# understandwhat and where is driver manager directory. Looking in install
# script revealed that this is a root directory, since I should pass
# something like $DM_HOME/etc/odbc.ini. Since 'odbc.ini' is in '/etc',
# driver manager home is just '/'.
chmod a+x odbc_update_ini.sh
./odbc_update_ini.sh /

# Now let's take a look
cat /etc/odbcinst.ini

[Oracle 10g ODBC driver]
Description = Oracle ODBC driver for Oracle 10g
Driver = /usr/lib/oracle/
Setup =
FileUsage =
CPTimeout =
CPReuse =

cat $HOME/.odbc.ini

Application Attributes = T
Attributes = W
BatchAutocommitMode = IfAllSuccessful
CloseCursor = F
DisableDPM = F
DisableMTS = T
Driver = Oracle 10g ODBC driver
DSN = OracleODBC-10g
EXECSchemaOpt =
EXECSyntax = T
Failover = T
FailoverDelay = 10
FailoverRetryCount = 10
FetchBufferSize = 64000
ForceWCHAR = F
Lobs = T
Longs = T
MetadataIdDefault = F
QueryTimeout = T
ResultSets = T
ServerName = _yourServerName_
SQLGetData extensions = F
Translation DLL =
Translation Option = 0
DisableRULEHint = T
UserID = _yourUserID_

# Exit root account

# Copy roots' '.odbc.ini' to users home and modify it that it matches to your
# database.
cat /root/.odbc.ini >> .odbc.ini

# You can play with graphical tools

DataManager &
DataManagerII &
OBCDConfig & # I got crash here when I wanted to connect to database

# Or with command line

isql -v _yourDSN_ _yourUserName_ _yourPassword_

# Now slick stuff with RODBC

su - # again as root
aptitude install r-cran-rodbc

# Start R


channel <- odbcConnect(dsn=_yourDSN_, uid=_yourUserID_, pwd=_yourPassword_,
case="oracle", believeNRows=FALSE)

# Simple query
query <- "query1;"
zival <- sqlQuery(channel, query)

# Or a set of queries, where sprintf can be nicely used

query <- c(
sprintf("CREATE TABLE tmp AS
SELECT bla1,
FROM tableX
WHERE bla3 = '%s';", x),

sapply(query, sqlQuery, channel=channel)


Anonymous said...

Rather than setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in ld.conf, I set it in the file /etc/apache2/envvars, so it's loaded every time apache startup's. Great howto!

Anonymous said...

with Debian-Etch and the "new" Oracle-Client-Version it is necessary to write tnsnames.ora lowercase! takes me over 2hours to check it...

anyway, nice howto, thx a lot

Anonymous said...

It's great.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

you saved me