
Using Beamer with LyX-Sweave

Dan Weeks (web1, web2) provided a solution on how to use Beamer with LyX & Sweave.

Make a literate-beamer layout file for LyX!

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[beamer, Sweave.sty]{beamer (beamer Sweave noweb)}
# This is a copy of literate-article.layout from LyX, but changed for
# Sweave - NoWeb syntax:
# - changed noweb.sty to Sweave.sty
# - moved preamble to literate-scrap.inc

Format 2
Input beamer.layout
Input literate-scrap.inc

LyX then has a new Document Class that allows one to use the "scrap" style, and that portion of the text is sent to Sweave properly. However, there is a problem related with verbatim environment. Sweave makes a lot of use of verbatim environments, and beamer doesn't like those. You need to declare that a slide contains verbatim or you get errors. The reasonable solution is to add two ERT boxes in each slide that will contain "Sweave material". The ERT box at the beginning of the slide should contain

\frametitle{Slide title}

while the ERT box at the endo of the slide should contain


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great!! It works nice! Thank you very much Gregan and Dan for making the life easier!!! Mat