
“Livestock Conservation Genomics: Data, Tools and Trends“ Summer School, Croatia, Oct 1-7, 2012

There will be an ESF GENOMIC-RESOURCES (link1, link2) summer school “Livestock Conservation Genomics: Data, Tools and Trends“ Summer School, Croatia, Oct 1-7, 2012. You can find more details here.


Nice SNP tools from the Pevsner laboratory

SNPduo - compare SNPs from two individuals
SNPtrio - compare SNPs from a family trio - very cool plots and nice diagnostics
kcoeff - estimate K0, K1, and K2 coefficients from SNP data


EU FP7 Livestock Genomics projects

The Quantomics group had a meeting in September 2011 and published was a very nice set of presentations on EU FP7 Livestock Genomics projects.