
SGLPGE Symposium videos

are now on-line!

P.S. I hope they will fix the link/filename for the presentation of Augstin Blasco.



bugsparallel is a Metrum Institute project to run BUGS (via R2WinBUGS) in parallel - McMC is an application, where parallel runs can be used very efficientlly. Here is the code for one example using bugsparallel.

Some usefull links:


Samanthina valeta

Samy je včeraj imela valeto in tukaj prilagam nekaj slik, ki jih je naredila naša prijateljica Polona K.


European Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics 2009

... will take place at Univeristy of Liege from Aug. 31 to Sep. 9. The Graphical model for genetics module looks particularly interesting to me, but there are also other very fine modules!

Computational aspects in Animal Breeding

Here is a nice presentation by Misztal and Rekaya about computational aspects in animal breeding.


Posters from SGLPGE Symposium.

... are available here. I hope they will also publish the presentations of the talks - the list of presented issues is overwhelimng.