
Using Sweave with LyX

It has been a while since I managed to configure LyX (a great "word processor") to work with Sweave (literate programming using LaTeX and R - wikipedia page). The paper describing the whole thing will probably be published in the next issue of Rnews. Since, I received some inquiries, I have created a temporary web page at Google with all the files needed for the configuration, ...

Happy LyX-ing with R!


Prosti tečaji preko spleta

Že kar nekaj časa nazaj je MIT na splet prenesel celo kopico predmetov. Pri velikem številu predmetov so na voljo vsa gradiva in to ZASTONJ! Vse skupaj najdete tukaj.

Ampak to ni vse, ravno sem naletel na seznam univerz z naj prostimi tečaji - klik.


Portal Drobnic@

Portal Drobnic@ že deluje nekaj časa in ni slabo, da ga omenim še tukaj. Skratka vabljeni.


An LSD joke

After a while ..

A teenage boy asks his granny 'Have you seen my pills, they were labelled

Granny: 'Fuck the pills; have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?'