
Pedigree viewer on GNU/Linux

Hi, it's time to share some good news with others. I have managed to install, run, and use Pedigree Viewer (a program that draws and manipulates pedigree diagrams, written by Brian and Sandy Kinghorn) under my laptop running GNU/Linux. Since this is a MS Windows application, wine emulator is being used of course. Bellow is a set of terminal commands one needs to issue to get the whole thing working.

# Create temporary folder
mkdir pedigreeViewer
cd pedigreeViewer

# Get the program and unzip it
wget http://www-personal.une.edu.au/%7Ebkinghor/pedigree.zip
unzip pedigree.zip

# Install the program
wine setup.exe

# Run it
wine /path/to/your/wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Pedigree\ Viewer/Pedigree.exe &

# /path/to/your/wine depends on your configuration of wine
# usually it is ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:

# Optionally create alias for future use and put it into file like
# ~/.bashrc
alias PedigreeViewer='wine /path/to/your/wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Pedigree\ Viewer/Pedigree.exe'

I have the following software:
Ubuntu GNU/Linux version 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
wine version 0.9.33