I have added support for caching to Sweave.sh script as implemented in cacheSweave R package written by Roger D. Peng. Now, one can set caching on for chunks that are time consuming (data import, some calculations, ...) and the Sweaving process will reuse the cached objects each time they are needed. Read the details about the cacheSweave package in the package vignette. Option --cache for Sweave.sh script should also be easy to understand. However, here is a minimalist example:
Now, one can run the following command:\documentclass{article}
n <- 10
s <- 15
Let us first simulate \Sexpr{n} values from a normal distribution and add a \Sexpr{s} sec pause to show the effect of caching.
<<simulate, cache=true>>=
x <- rnorm(n)
Now print the values:
<<print, results=verbatim>>=
Sweave.sh --cache test.Rnwand the output on the command line is:
Run Sweave and postprocess with LaTeX directly from the command line
- cache mode via cacheSweave R package
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> library(package='cacheSweave'); Sweave(file='test.Rnw', driver=cacheSweaveDriver);
Loading required package: filehash
filehash: Simple key-value database (2.0 2008-08-03)
Loading required package: stashR
A Set of Tools for Administering SHared Repositories (0.3-2 2008-04-30)
Writing to file test.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : echo term verbatim (label=setup)
2 : echo term verbatim (label=simulate)
3 : echo term verbatim (label=print)
You can now run LaTeX on 'test.tex'
When you repeat the Sweaving process, which you more or less always do, there is no need to wait for 15 second since cacheSweave package takes the x object from the cache! Excellent job Roger!
Thanks for your information! I haven't tried the package yet. Do you mean the code "Sys.sleep(s)" was ignored by cacheSweave? Or the system was still suspended as required but Sweave just moved on to the next code chunk to evaluate x? (parallel computation?)
This is really helpful and much appreciated.
BTW: There's a small typo: It's "results" in
"print, result="verbatim".
Thank you Bernd, I fixed the typo!
Yihui, the simulate chunk is not executed at all - the Sweave process skips the evaluation of the whole chunk (including the Sys.sleep()) since caching is turned on with the cache=true option! Object x is pulled out of the cache when it is needed, i.e., in the print cunck.
I used Sys.sleep() since it nicely mimicks the "waiting problem" with Sweave. When I use Sweave I write the Rnw document (the R code and LaTeX markup) and I often compile it to check for possible typos or any side effects. When the document gets large and when the computations are more involved it turns out that you spend the most of the time in Sweaving the document. With cacheSweave, this time us much reduced.
This script is great, I don't know what I would do without it! Thanks a lot!
Hi Gregor,
I am using your magnificent script since there was no cache-support and this tweak was the only option, that I felt missing at that time. However, I am still wondering whether 'weaver' could also be easily integrated? Sorry for the lame question, but I do not feel comfortable checking/fixing bash scripts.
ps: weaver link: http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/1.9/bioc/html/weaver.html
See here ;)
Man, that was really FAST! :) Compliment.
When I open Sweave.sh in (GNU) emacs (ubuntu), I am warned that the script contain "unsafe" variables, and asked to change the script! (emacs offers to change it automaticall!)
What are this?
Kjetil halvorsen
Kjetil, can you please let Emacs do the change and send me the script so that I can study the differences?
I already started hacking the original script, before a h came up with the glorious idea of googling for a solution :) Thanks a lot! It works like it should work!
Kjetil, the message from Emacs about the variables is irrelevant. Emacs complains about the variables that I use for folding the file when I edit it in Emacs.
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